
Thu, 03/14/2024 - 10:16am
Acton-Boxborough Resource Center (ABRC) Reaching More Families!
All Acton and Boxborough residents are invited to drop in to ABRC to discover resources available to them in this community. A-B United Way staff and volunteers are there to provide information and help navigate a network of systems to ensure each family has the opportunity to thrive. Learn about everything from local transportation and food security options…

Thu, 11/02/2023 - 5:03pm
November 2, 2023
Dear neighbors,
As you might have heard, one section of Acton’s Minuteman Inn (corner Rt 2 / Hosmer Street) was recently designated as an emergency family shelter. We at Acton-Boxborough United Way wanted to share what we know at this point, and open a line of communication so that we are all ready to welcome these new families to our community.
Thirty-three rooms (one of the buildings) will become an emergency shelter. The…

Fri, 08/18/2023 - 8:51am
Contact Information:
Jen Faber, Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Acton-Boxborough Regional School District
Katie Neville, Executive Director
Acton-Boxborough United Way
For Immediate Release
School District, United Way partner to launch the
Acton-Boxborough Resource Center
Acton, MA, August 2023 - Acton-Boxborough Regional School District and Acton-Boxborough United Way…

Mon, 06/19/2023 - 8:43am
The Mike Tobia Award for Community Leadership recognizes an outstanding Community Leader, dedicated to serving residents' needs with compassion and dignity, while fostering a sense of belonging for all.
It is named for Mike Tobia who, through the collective efforts of hundreds of volunteers, sponsors and donors of the Mt. Calvary Church Community Supper, served 40,000 meals since its inception in 2012. Mike was an inspired leader, organizer,…

Wed, 06/14/2023 - 2:34pm
Acton-Boxborough United Way's Community Impact Grants are determined through a community-driven process. It can be a truly eye-opening experience for grant volunteers to hear first-hand from so many agencies doing great work in our community. This year, we had a team of 20 community members serving as grant evaluators. The team had some really tough decisions to make. We had a greater number of applicants seeking a greater level of funding than…

Thu, 06/08/2023 - 12:31pm
Acton-Boxborough United Way is a proud member of Middlesex West Chamber of Commerce. Each year, the Chamber honors a number of distinguished professionals at their Taste of the World Gala. Katie Neville, ABUW's Executive Director, was given the honor of this year's Non-Profit Excellent Leadership Award, presented on June 7th at the Sanctuary in Maynard.
Middlesex West Chamber of Commerce's ED, Jenna Amara, presents Katie with this year's…

Fri, 03/24/2023 - 6:46pm
1024 Acton residents and 215 Boxborough residents rely on SNAP food benefits, a 73% increase since 2020.
Earlier this month, families received their last increased pandemic benefit. On average, the SNAP emergency allotment added an additional $151 to a household’s normal monthly benefit of $335 in Massachusetts. As families absorb this decrease in food assistance, made even more challenging with recent inflation, our local food security partners…

Mon, 02/27/2023 - 6:41pm
The Town of Acton has launched a new Emergency Assistance program, available to help qualifying residents with housing, utility, and childcare costs. Funded by ARPA, this program will provide grants of up to $1,000 directly to providers (landlord, utility company, etc).
Learn more and find the application here:
Boxborough residents can find information about the ARPA-funded Emergency Grants…

Mon, 02/20/2023 - 6:31pm
Next week is Dining United! Do good by eating local.
Acton-Boxborough United Way is teaming up with local restaurants to support our neighbors. Dine at participating restaurants during the week, and a portion of your order will fund Acton-Boxborough United Way's Assist Grants which provide emergency support for rent and utilities to help neighbors make ends meet.
Let's show up and support these restaurants who have committed to giving back to…

Fri, 02/17/2023 - 6:25pm
Our ABUW Students United volunteers have had a blast partnering with Acton-Boxborough Community Education to run S.T.E.M. projects at Extended Day! They've built towers out of paper, puff cars with candy life savers for wheels, and aluminum foil boats (the strongest held 127 pennies before sinking!)... Exciting to see the "big kids" sharing their enthusiasm for S.T.E.M. concepts with the "little kid" engineers-in-training!